African Poetry

[African Poetry][bleft]



Literary Criticism




DIRGE FOR MY PASSING YEARS by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali

Standing on the sands of these years, 

strolling on this desolate shore  

where the night unfold her eiderdown of darkness on my shivering body.

I look back at my past

staring over my shoulder like a one-eyed gargoyle.

My future is a tottering wall 

lashed by the force of  human hurricane.

My hair jumps on end

as seagulls veer and swoop above my head 

tearing my thought with jeering screams, 

and billows brawl amongst themselves 

as they race to pickle my voice in a bottle..

Their noise deafens me

I shudder,

I quiver in terror,

I clutch my puny poetic fists 

and punch wildly at the immense powers.

They laugh with hundredfold scorn.

I scream:

No sound comes out from a mouth 

wide as the gates of hell

I weep the reservoirs of tearducts dry 

as a Vaal riverbed in a drought.

Where am I? 

What am I?'

Am I just a minute beetle hiding under a clod of sand 

ready to be squashed by a white beachstroller's foot?

My body writhes helpessly in a python's crush; 

and my mind is strang ed in the tentacles of an octopus.

I spit my last defiant hiss 

and gasp the death breath

for freedom to be free.

Only a whirling brain remains alive drifting in a dark cloud 

to a desert mirage of fleeting dreams 

where a golden water jug pours into a cup of unquenchable desires

I grope nearer to snatch the water pitcher 

a policeman snaps his handcuffs on my wrists

and drags me into my hell 

where am left to chew spiders and scorpions

with a dry swollen tongue.

In the grave I meet my mother

black is ebony 

smooth as ivory 

sweet is syrup on a cake.

Her body lies embalmed 

in a handkerchief of my tears.

My father is not there.

He had left me, a child,

with his penis to eat for a boerewors 

and his testicles to slice as onion and tomato 

to grovy my dry and stale mieliepap.

Vaa: -river forming the southern border of the Transvaal

boes wors: boer sausage

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