African Poetry

[African Poetry][bleft]



Literary Criticism




My Journey to Becoming a Telecoms Business Owner in Nigeria

During my first degree on campus, I encountered individuals who sold SME data and airtime VTU. Surprisingly, one of these individuals was the General Secretary of my undergraduate fellowship, Pa James. At the time, I didn't consider venturing into this business as I was fully preoccupied with my studies and believed that money-making was solely for the elite.

However, upon graduating from campus, I relocated from Ondo State to Lagos in search of work. My dear uncle and mentor, Engineer Olatuja, who was based in Lagos, provided me with a soft landing. He not only helped me secure a job but also provided me with the financial and spiritual foundation to chart my path as a young and adventurous man. 

I started working at Connection Avenue in Cele Nisa the following week, and that's when the hustle began. Although my monthly salary was only 15,000 naira, I didn't require most of it as my uncle and his wife provided me with everything I needed, including accommodation, feeding, transportation, and weekly allowances. I'm grateful to my uncle for his unwavering support.

One day, while scrolling through my Facebook feed, I stumbled upon an advertisement about learning how to become a data and airtime vendor. I can't recall the exact cost of the materials, but it was somewhere between 15,000 and 25,000 naira. Unfortunately, I was discouraged and shelved the idea.

Fast forward to my National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) in Benue State, where I had to start footing my bills, including electricity, feeding, and transportation, which I previously enjoyed for free in Lagos. With a monthly allowance of 19,800 naira, survival was a daily challenge.

Desperate to improve my financial situation, I called the General Secretary of my fellowship to ask for guidance on how to start selling data. However, he demanded a 1,000 naira fee before divulging any information. Thankfully, I agreed to the fee because what he taught me became a lifesaver for several years.

In retrospect, I consider myself fortunate and blessed to have received that information when I did because I had the energy and opportunity to market my products through the privileges attached to my NYSC uniform.

At a certain point in my journey, I began earning between 1,000 and 3,000 naira daily from my data and airtime vending business. This income was a lifeline for my daily survival needs, and by the end of my NYSC, it had transformed into a passive income stream. I could earn even while sleeping, and by the end of my service year, I had saved about 150,000 naira. It was an extraordinary achievement, and I'm thankful for it.

I'm not sharing this story to boast or showcase my wisdom. Instead, I acknowledge that I was blessed and privileged to have received help from people who enabled me. For that, I am eternally grateful. My mission is to inspire and guide others on their financial journeys, so who knows? Maybe I can be a blessing to you too.

By the end of this class, you will learn the following:



I genuinely hope that this tutorial will be beneficial to you, just as it was for me.

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